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  • hedgehogstirling

Science Festival, silver, footprints and much more

The Autumn semester flew by as we moved towards the Silver award. We started the semester off with a collaboration with students and staff of a field skill module, showing off how we survey hedgehogs on campus. We explained how small mammal footprint tunnels work and took students out to identify footprints and set up the tunnels for our ongoing survey. We found a good amount of footprints, and thanks to the collaboration we got some pictures as well! Most importantly, we now have more solid data on where the hedgehogs are on campus, and where they are not.

Soon after the survey, we participated in the Stirling Science Festival. We organised a fun footprint identification game, showed the public how tunnels work, and handed out instructions to build a hedgehog house.

We built hedgehog houses and put them on campus, collaborated with the teams at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow for an online awareness-raising campaign. After all of this hard work (and much more!), we finally got the Silver Award! Thanks to everyone who has supported us on this journey, and please join us on our journey towards Gold.

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